Who is this handsome man dressed up as Santa! None other than Trey.... He was santa at a christmas party for one of our bootcampers! He had like 40 kiddos sit on his lap and it was soooo precious. Here's my man
update: We have 2 inches of snow on the ground and it is supposed to snow for the next 10 days! Come and Visit!
love you all
Trey is so funny, and what a good sport:) I am jealous that you guys have snow..I wish for just one day it would snow here and make it feel like xmas! Send me your email address so I can invite you to my blog! I made it private! My email is alissa7@gmail.com! Have a good christmas:)
Nice Santa suit! I hope you can fill all those kiddos christmas lists. I want to hear what kind of things they asked you for. did they BELIEVE? You are a good boy Trey. I was looking at the camera on AZ511 to see the snow in Flag. It is beautiful. Luv ya
Hey Santa! Here's my list . Just kidding! Was the the voice and the belly laugh as perfect as the santa suit? So, there will be a White Christmas in Flagstaff, Fun!!
How cute! I bet the kids loved it and Trey too! We can't wait to see you guys soon!
OMG im so excited i found you guys!!!!!!!!Have have you both been!! Wow 3 years now thast great!!! love the pjs from the Polor Express so funny!!! Im getting married again!!! April 4th!! Hope all is well!!!
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