Monday, July 16, 2012

My amazing family

So Montana has become a daddy's girl. Forget about me, I can't even put her to sleep (but I blame that on my big belly since I have to practically drop her to get her in the crib). Last weekend we went to a cute coffee shop and farmers market and this weekend we got donuts and read the paper, went out for icecream with friends and played
So fun...I can't believe in less than a month we will have another little girl.. WOW

1 comment:

Ina said...

Wonderful pictures. I loved the one of Trey and Montana reading the paper. When I was little, a Sunday ritual was Dad reading the "Funnies" (as we called the comics) in the Sunday paper to Delores, David, and I. Delores or I would be on his lap and the other two sitting on little chairs beside him. Hey, Jenna, at this stage of the game, (is pregnancy a game?), perhaps it is a good thing Montana is enjoying her daddy. It will make it a little easier for you when Harlee is born and she will always adore her mommy.